5 Reasons to Consider a Remote Onboarding Strategy
Posted on: 9 June 2021
A strong onboarding programme is needed within an organisation especially when it was reported by SHRM that 50% of new hires leave their organisation within the first 18 months. As working from home becomes the new normal due to Covid19, many businesses have had to embrace ‘remote work’, leading to the hiring process also becoming remote. Although it’s not just those working from home that need remote onboarding strategies. Industries like Manufacturing and Construction are turning to remote onboarding so workers are ready to start work when they step onto the factory floor or building site.
Many believe that on-site onboarding is essential as it enables new employees to be welcomed in person, where they can meet colleagues, achieve answers to important questions easier, and get a sense of the workplace environment. However, the recent pandemic has shifted the workplace culture towards remote working, leading organisations needing to incorporate strategies which ensure they are equipped in dealing with remote hiring, training, and development.
This highlights the importance of creating a quality remote onboarding process where training and development opportunities are made clear to the new hire. Remote onboarding doesn’t need to imitate on-site onboarding as thoughtful experiences can be built that keep new employees engaged whilst the key benefits of remote onboarding can also be taken advantage of.
What are the advantages to remote onboarding and how can Obbi help you?
1. Flexibility- Through the Obbi platform, new hires can complete training in their own time and speed. The platform ensures training is delivered to long distanced employees and that they will receive a good induction regardless of their circumstances, which is critical when trying to avoid an early exit.
2. Eliminating time-consuming manual processes- Much of the hiring process is consumed with paperwork. By digitalising the training process, this reduces the amount of time spent on manual processes. Time can then be spent more efficiently on other areas of the onboarding process.
3. Continued learning & engagement- Onboarding should be viewed as an ongoing process. The platform ensures employees are developing their skills from their start date until they leave an organisation. Through continuous learning staff can complete training anytime which in turn will allow them to feel valued within your organisation, therefore increasing productivity. Obbi increases staff engagement as it can act as a performance management tool, providing ways of communication between staff members, letting them connect easily and celebrate one another’s success, which is key for retaining talent for the long-term.
4. Pre-boarding- When new employees can access training programmes prior to their official start dates it allows them to arrive confident and comfortable. It also gives the new employee an insight into the organisation’s values.
5. Cost reduction- If the onboarding process is done correctly, this should reduce the amount of employee turnover which in turn will reduce expenses. Using the Obbi platform, the cost of physical onboarding i.e. cost of materials and personnel is reduced.